Providing Premiere Care FOR
Durham FITNESS athletes COmmitted to overcoming
pelvic Floor problems

Hi there!

I’m so glad you are here!

Pelvic health physical therapy with a whole person approach in Durham, NC

Are you an athlete who feels frustrated by constipation slowing you down on your morning run?

  • Do you find yourself distracted by bladder leaks in the middle of your workout?

  • Are you experiencing pain with sex after your heavy deadlift days?

Whether you are an athlete or not, if you are struggling with pelvic pain or annoying bladder issues- it is never too late to get help! I’m Mbong and I help active adults in Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh North Carolina find relief of pelvic floor problems.

I’m here to help you discover STRENGTH, FREEDOM & CONFIDENCE so you can get back to enjoying time to yourself on your morning run and experience JOY and TRUST in your body again as you have fun in the sports you love!

Where to?

Whether your baby is 6 months or 16 years old- You deserve to feel good!

integrative WOmEn’S health Coaching


Ready to find long-lasting relief from pelvic pain & leakage?

Pelvic health physical therapy with a whole person approach in Durham, NC

Busy Mama—

Does this sound like you?

  • You have serious FOMO from missing out on Saturday long runs with your besties because your bladder issues have you desperate for a toilet after 5 minutes of jogging?
  • You are so tired of your back pain and your back going out every time you try to roll around playing “don't touch the hot lava” with your kiddos.
  • Maybe you are really annoyed about needing to sprint to the toilet wherever you go to unlock the door after a long day at work?



Over the years

you have tried everything:

✔︎ Pelvic PT 3 times a week at that place that is super close to your house, the busy clinic where you don’t feel like you feel heard, you are still confused about your diastasis recti, and you do the same exercises you do at home with some high schooler after the PT sees you for 10 minutes and you aren’t getting answers on how to exercise without peeing your pants.

✔︎ The popular running PT who does not know how to check your pelvic floor - you leave feeling great for 3 hours, but you are back to hurting the next day. You’ve been bracing your spine every time you try to pick up your preschooler, but your back still aches at the end of a busy day when you are standing washing dishes after dinner.

✔︎ You’ve been following #pelvicfloormuscles and are super confused about whether to do kegel exercises or not to kegel and you really really wish you could just figure out what’s going on with your body.


There has got to be a better way!

You look around and see your neighbors happily chasing after their kids after dinner and you feel stuck. You aren’t able to plan the fun hiking and camping trips you’ve always dreamt of and making new memories while being active with your kids.

You are so over having to change your clothes mid-day because you didn't make it to the bathroom on time at work and the laundry load keeps piling up.

You are heart aches as your friends are planning that girls trip for a half marathon next fall at the beach and wish you could join in the fun.

If this sounds too familiar — you’re not alone and it’s not your fault!

You might have heard your doctor and your mom even say “This is just a part of getting old” that pesky back pain you’ve had since your pregnancy 5 years ago will go away on its own.

You’ve even asked your friends and they all say, “Yup- Girl, just put a pad on, I’ve got that problem too!”

But you don’t believe this is how it should be. You wonder, “Do I REALLY have to deal with this forever?”

I want you to know that you are not definitely not alone and you aren’t doing anything wrong!

Just because they are ok with it, it doesn’t mean you need to deal with it.

You don’t need to keep believing them when they say, “Just put on a pad and wait it out”

The truth is—

You don’t have to just deal with pain & leakage.
Healing is possible!


This is why I am so passionate about helping moms—

✔︎ Get back to feeling GREAT & EMPOWERED on your morning run

✔︎ SMASH IT in your 9 to 5

✔︎ And have enough ENEGRY to happily roll around with your kiddos after a busy day

Pelvic floor physical therapy with a whole person approach in Durham, NC

How can I help?

(G)O FURTHER by doing something different and learning how to keep moving during your workouts instead of stopping and falling behind every time there’s pain or leakage

(L)OCATE the driver of the problem so you can go from frustrated with the lack of control of the changes in your body TO empowered a plan that is specifically designed for you

(O)WN the ONENESS of the rhythms of your mind, body, spirit so that you can go from feeling like you always are getting injured TO INSTEAD setting yourself up for success even on those days when you are tired and workouts seem impossible

(W)IN in your workouts with a simple progression strategy that keeps you focused on your body goals and still have energy to tackle your busy day

The G.L.O.W. METHOD is for women who want to: 

go from—

Feeling frustrated by pelvic pain, and peeing your pants on your morning run and when you chase after your kids at the playground

To Instead—

✔︎ Discovering FREEDOm and JOY as you hear the sound of wind in your ears when you run on the trails and swing your kiddos on your back!

Want in on that?

Can you imagine this?

❤︎ How would it feel to believe you are STRONG and not worry about your back every time you carry 80 pounds of wiggly kiddos up the stairs for bedtime?

❤︎ Or have your kids sprint after you in the yard yelling “Tag, you’re it” as you dart around so fast they can't get you?

Wouldn’t it feel SO AMAZING to start your busy day CALM, with 1 less thing on your mind, you know–

Plan your outfits around the seasons and not your bladder?

Or open the door when you get home after a long day at work as you SAIL right past the toilet, with your mind on the yummy dinner you are going to make for your darling family?

Can you see it?

Planning that girls trip to the beach, killing your race and then laughing so hard as you watch the sunset after dinner, 

Laughing so hard, SO HARD that tears run down your face?


3x weekly appointments, interrupting your busy schedule.

Endless hours on google, trying to figure out if planks or sit-ups are bad for you.

Or remembering a whole bunch of steps for perfect alignment before you try pick up your kids.

Pelvic floor physical therapy with a whole person approach in Durham, NC

I’ve helped tons of moms like you and YES!

It is totally possible for you.

I am totally excited to help you and it starts with you taking a brave step to reach out today!.

Let’s talk about getting you scheduling so you can feel like yourself again!

  • “I can’t say enough good things about my experience. I’m so thankful I was able to find someone like Mbong to work with!”

    Amanda T.

  • It has truly been a pleasure to work with Mbong. She is incredibly professional, knowledgable, and kind. I so appreciate her holistic approach to pain.

    Sarah B

  • "I thought leaking was just part of being a mom of 3. I didn't seek out help until I completely lost my urine in public and was so embarrassed. I have been so happy with my improvement. I wish I would have seen Mbong sooner!”

    Mom of 3