What happens when you Ignore COnstipation?

Why you should care about addressing bowel &  bladder issues with pelvic floor PT in your 20s and 30s.

If you’ve been trying “wait & see” method for constipation, bladder urgency or power peeing to go away because your hands are full- 

✅doing the noble job of caring for future generations as a stay at home mom

✅Teaching and nurturing young minds in schools

✅Connecting mergers and sealing deals

✅Advocating for justice in a tense courtroom

I want you to know, 

That for some people as you lose resilience over time you might be disappointed in your health & your subsequent quality of life because your independence is compromised.

What happens when you ignore constipation?

In my career, I’ve worked with 

➡️women in their 70s and 80s with pelvic floor problems such as constipation, bladder urgency, bladder leakage that started during the childbearing years but they never had the resources to help themselves heal.

➡️ men feeling depressed because decades of bladder & constipation problems added up and then got in the way of connecting with friends on the golf course in retirement.

What happens when you ignore bladder leakage?

For these adults motivated to keep their independence, we worked on building capacity in their bodies by improving balance, strength, & power. This is important so they can not only can manage the bladder urges and leakage, but ALSO have confidence and strength in their body to get out of a chair fast PLUS walk to the bathroom, making it on time without tripping, falling, & breaking a hip.


The healthcare system in the United States is doing the best it can, but it is also deeply flawed in that many people have been led to believe they have to wait until small health problems are “bad enough” to get help or expect insurance to pay for all of it. This is a problem because when we consider urinary & fecal incontinence are the top reasons people are admitted to nursing homes, by the time you get to your elder years- it is no longer a small issue, management is more complex & expensive. 

Adding insult to injury— in some cases Incontinence is also considered preexisting conditions, which means for some incontinence will be a reason why some insurances denies payment for the care you need and deserve.

If this hits too close to home, it’s important to know you aren’t alone and you haven’t done anything wrong. 

It is simply NOT true that nothing can be done about dealing with pelvic floor issues burdening your life.

Healing is possible & this is exactly why Radiance Physical Therapy in Durham NC provides bespoke care empowering adults committed to your health with solutions so you feel your best & live with vitality not only now, but also in the decades to come.

If you are ready to take control of your health so you feel better in your body now and support the future YOU for decades to come, reach out today!


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