Can Pelvic PT help Interstitial Cystitis?
Can pelvic physical therapy help interstitial cystitis ?
What is interstitial cystitis?
It is a common chronic pelvic pain syndrome also known as bladder pain syndrome. According to the AUA guidelines, It is characterized by more than 6 weeks of experiencing as
“An unpleasant sensation (pain, pressure, discomfort) perceived to be related to the urinary bladder, associated with lower urinary tract symptoms of more than six weeks duration, in the absence of infection or other identifiable causes”
What are the common symptoms?
Pain, pressure, discomfort in the pelvic region
Increased daytime trips for urination due to pain, pressure, or discomfort
Increased bladder urgency
Painful urination
Painful penetration female
Painful ejaculation males
Pain with menstruation
Symptom presentation varies for each individual and the great news is, IC/PBS is not a condition that gets worse over time, in fact- symptoms can improve and even be resolved!
It is important to know that in the absence of infection or clear disease symptoms are perceived to be related to the bladder but symptoms aren’t not generated by the bladder which is why understanding which treatments are effective can help you heal.
Impact of IC/PBS:
The AUA guidelines furthermore that many people experiencing IC/PBS report decreased quality of life with symptoms influencing social, work, and sleep issues with higher rates of mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, and fear of worsening symptoms.
If painful bladder urges and discomfort in your pelvis is distracting you from focusing at work, slowing you down on road trips, interfering with your ability to have an enjoyable sex life, you are not alone and you are in the right place!
What are the conservative treatments for interstitial cystitis ?
Common treatments to improve symptoms involve a multi-disciplinary team:
Pelvic floor physical therapy has been given a Grade A, which means it has the highest likelihood of working to address myofascial related and muscle dysfunction at abdominal wall, hips, spine, and pelvis and improve how the connective tissue moves.
Education on what is normal bladder function, self management and lifestyle modification for symptoms of urgency
Mental health and stress management
Collaboration with medical team for appropriate medical therapies
At Radiance PT in Durham, NC, you receive a collaborative approach to your healing journey to get to the root of why your urgency symptoms support you to find long lasting relief.
Treatment include:
Manual therapy
Customized urgency and bladder training program
Neuromuscular Reeducation to retraining your brain body connection to your muscles
Return to exercise painfree with confidence in your body
If you are ready to break free from urgency and pain and want support to start getting your life back, reach out today!