Understanding Overuse INjuries

Overuse injuries occur from repetitive load over time without enough recovery time.

This is a problem because overuse injuries lead to time missed in sport, costly rehab, and early drop out in sport which impacts girls more than boys. Physical literacy is considered the ability to participate in sport for fun and enjoy movement. For many injuries kids and adults, injuries pose a barrier to this.

Common Risk Factors for Overuse Injuries in teens and adults include:

  • Training load

  • Prior Injury

  • Lack of recovery

  • Poor coping skills with stress and fear

Biopsychosocial risk factor for overuse injury

  • Strong athletic identity

  • Perfectionism & Overachieving

  • Excessive training despite being mentally and physically tired

If your child is specializing in a sport they love, understanding the risk of overuse injuries is key to keeping them safe and reduce the risk of burn out, and early retirement of sport.

Join the workshop on September 18 to learn more about supporting your active child to longevity in sport as well as overall health through the decades.