Cesarean Birth

Did you know?

  • In the US, 1 in 3 pregnant people will give birth by Cesarean

  • 22% of first time birthers will have a cesarean

  • For some people it’s planned, for others unexpected. 

If  you are going through that you aren’t alone AND you haven’t done anything wrong.

It is important to know that how your baby arrives does not define who you are as a mother!!

I also want to you to know that —

Giving birth via your belly or your vagina is AN INCREDIBLE event on your body

This is why I believe in supporting women— 

✔️To be empowered in your pregnancy,

✔️Have an empowered & positive birth experience 

✔️And a full postpartum recovery so you can get back to having fun running with your friends while you navigating the new territory of motherhood. 

🔑 Being your own advocate after a Cesarean is key because women get NO information about rehabilitation other than staying infection free and “take it easy” while you care for yourself, sleep deprived with a newborn, let alone any guidance for return to sport after Cesarean

Compared to knee or back surgery where there are protocols with multiple follow ups & education about healing and rehabilitation before AND after surgery.

3 Practical tips for preparing for Planned Cesarean Birth-

1.Take care of your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor during pregnancy

  • Urine leaks during pregnancy are a risk factor for leakage postpartum

2. Discuss your birth plan with your team

  • Options may vary:

    1. See if music or transparent drape are options

    2. Ask for skin to skin right away

    3. Ask about dad cutting cord and/or  dad announcing gender

      3. Prepare your home:

  • Get help for lifting or any driving

  • If possible use a high bed that is easy to get up from

  • Raise toilet seat initially or grab bars might be useful to get off the toilet

A common question I get- 

“Can I see you for Birth Prep if I am having a Planned Cesarean Birth?”


Great benefits of Birth Prep for Cesarean Birth-

✔️Get help for any current aches and pains in pregnancy, like if back pain is holding you back from your morning run or hip pain is keeping you from deep, restorative sleep

✔️Discover what to start for your rehab THE DAY you receive your sweet baby into your arms 

✔️Learn how to care for your scar while caring for a newborn

✔️We tackle any concerns you have about pain or your scar to help you with peace of mind about your healing and a plan for your postpartum return to running

Common Concerns after Cesarean Birth-

  • Back pain with bending and pickup up kids

  • Bladder leaks with sneezing and jumping

  • Pain with sex

  • Scar pain interfering with wearing comfortable clothing

Up to 18% of women experience continued scar pain interfering with their daily routine 3 months after their abdominal birth. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Postpartum Care after Cesarean at Radiance includes:

  • Scar mobilization to improve areas of tightness

  • Improving the feelings of numbness or sensitivity around the scar

  • Addressing bladder urgency or leakage

  • Customized exercises to improve abdominal strength and decrease back pain

  • Return to sport specific training

Book here for personalized support to recover after your cesarean birth.


Heart RAte


Birth Prep